Aphis craccivora pdf file

Pdf relative efficacy of selected insecticides on cowpea. Pdf first record of aphis craccivora koch hemiptera. Aphis craccivora, variously known as the cowpea aphid, groundnut aphid or black legume aphid, is a true bug in the family aphididae. The grv complex was first described in africa in 1907, when it strongly affected groundnut production. A systemic insecticide a neonicotinoid should be applied at planting to control aphids and whiteflies. Characteristic and variability of five complete aphid. Common on seedling plants, the cowpea aphid is shiny black with white patches on its legs.

The female has a glossy black or dark brown body with a prominent cauda taillike protrusion, and legs in some shade of brown or yellow. Pdf the aphid aphis craccivora was recorded on the crop of aronia, aronia melanocarpa, in montenegro, in june 2015 and 2016. Behavioural response of alate aphis craccivora koch homoptera. Aphis craccivora cowpea aphid identification, images. Pdf new sources of aphids aphis craccivora koch resistance in. Media in category aphis craccivorathe following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total. Aphis craccivora cowpea aphid identification, images, ecology. A simulation model describing the interactions of various components of the biology of cowpea aphid aphis craccivora koch, its host plant, subterranean. Efficacy of different entomopathogenic fungi against cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch. Relative efficacy of selected insecticides on cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch article pdf available in journal of entomology and zoology studies 55 january 2017 with 508 reads. Later in the season, when the effects of the systemic wear off, an insect growth regulator for whiteflies may be applied.

The cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora, is a major insect pest of cowpea in africa. By testing their field efficacy, they can be used as potential biocontrol agent for the management of cowpea aphid. Aphis craccivora is a vector of several viruses including broad bean mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus and groundnut rosette virus. Control of the cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch homoptera. Pdf this study sought to identify new sources of resistance to cowpea aphids cpa using molecular and phenotypic approaches and the.

Both nymphs and adults suck plant sap and cause serious damage right from the seedling to pod bearing stage. The ecology of aphis craccivora koch and subterranean. This species is found in medics, vetch and a wide range of summer and winter pulse crops throughout australia. The complete mitochondrial genomes of aphids aphis fabae mordvilkoi, a. The aptera of aphis craccivora is dark brown with usually a very solid black shiny carapace from the metanotum to abdominal. Bioactivity of annona montana macfad extractson the black cowpea aphid aphis craccivora koch. Snap beans can tolerate up to 20% defoliation before pod set and 10% after pod set. Cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch is a threat to cowpea growers in all over the country. Cowpea aphids are shiny black with white and black legs.

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